🔖 Posts about business

🚀 A Unique Partnership: An Entrepreneurial Journey Like No Other 🌟

This is a unique post. It is not about development or design as I like to write, but it is a business collaboration. What is unique here, you might ask? My partner. The post is written by my partner, and every word...

The Genesis of Connectroots A Vision for MENA's Startup Ecosystem

Three months ago, I embarked on an exciting journey, the creation of [Connectroots](https://connectroots.co/). As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, the pace of progress was exhilarating. Between cycles of design iterations, the creation and deletion of features, endless testing,...

A Peek into Crafting Connectroots with Ruby on Rails

Ideas come and go. Yet, a select few manage to take root in our minds, demanding our attention and action. To garner quick feedback, we need reliable tools—those simple to grasp, operate, and seamlessly navigate their ecosystem. A robust community offering support...

Essential Metrics for Evaluating Your SaaS Product

In the vast ocean of Software as a Service (SaaS) enterprises, it is crucial to keep an eye on the navigational aids - the metrics. Metrics serve as the compass, the North Star, and the weather vane for SaaS businesses. But which...

Your true value beyond the job title

Recently, I was inspired by [Coby's reflection on channeling his inner Purple Cow](https://www.codynorman.com/personal-development/purple_cow_era/), a concept introduced by [Seth Godin](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/641604.Purple_Cow). It made me reconsider my self-image and how others perceive me. The idea of "being remarkable, in a way that compels others to talk about...