🔖 Posts about startup

Daring to Share, Triumphing in Action

Have you ever encountered a story that resonated so deeply within you that it altered your perspective and challenged your beliefs? I'll share with you one such tale. It doesn't revolve around tech titans or secret recipes for success. Instead, it focuses...

The Genesis of Connectroots A Vision for MENA's Startup Ecosystem

Three months ago, I embarked on an exciting journey, the creation of [Connectroots](https://connectroots.co/). As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, the pace of progress was exhilarating. Between cycles of design iterations, the creation and deletion of features, endless testing,...

Essential Metrics for Evaluating Your SaaS Product

In the vast ocean of Software as a Service (SaaS) enterprises, it is crucial to keep an eye on the navigational aids - the metrics. Metrics serve as the compass, the North Star, and the weather vane for SaaS businesses. But which...