🔖 Posts about ruby

A simple way to efficiently calculating and representing average data in Rails

I'm working on a project and I encountered a scenario where I need to calculate the average marks of students and create a simple visualization indicator to represent the calculated average. After a few iterations, I found this can be accomplished through...

Ruby on Rails, The Ultimate Guide to strip, lstip and rstrip Methods

As a Rails developer, I'm often faced with the task of processing and manipulating strings. These useful methods for string manipulation in Ruby are `strip`, `lstrip`, and `rstrip`. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between these methods and how...

A Peek into Crafting Connectroots with Ruby on Rails

Ideas come and go. Yet, a select few manage to take root in our minds, demanding our attention and action. To garner quick feedback, we need reliable tools—those simple to grasp, operate, and seamlessly navigate their ecosystem. A robust community offering support...

How I decide to pass on a parameter within a component.

### How I decide to pass on a parameter within a component. Why I chose to explicitly pass the **tag** parameter in **LinkComponent**. When creating a component in Rails, especially when using a component-based architecture like ViewComponent or similar, I was...